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The Good
Brave heart: What can be said about a movie with guys wearing kilts, having huge swords, and speaking bad ass Scottish accents. This is a bloody movie and at 4 or so hours is not for everyone. Its not all about war though, its got a love story that is going on for a good portion of the movie and that what makes this movie a damn good movie in my opinion. The fact that it can have all this and not get bogged down in clichés is a testament to the writers and Mel Gibsons' acting ability even though I hate how every girl swoons over him he still kicks ass in my book.
Fight Club: This is not just a guy movie even though true to the name its allot about fighting. Its for everyone for the fact it speaks the truth in the fact that you should not value your worth by what you wear what you drive or even where you live. Because in the end we are all the same. Most of the critics missed this point and maybe its not the intended point of the writer but it is what I take from the movie and in the end my opinion is the only one that matters. Just as for you your opinion is the only one that should matter.
Dogma: Great movie in the fact that it basically states everything I believe. I thought how it was kinda funny when this movie came out how before it was even released everyone denounced as catholic bashing. I am catholic and I have seen this movie and I think its actually pretty devout to the idea the catholic church stands for not the beliefs. I say this in regards to the fact the church is not the infallible faith that everyone was once led to believe and has been found to be ran by mere mortals and not some divine beings and maybe that's the way we should see them. They are like us fallible.
Chasing Amy: I believe this to be the only romantic movie that I can watch and be proud that I watched it. Like most of my reviews I will not go into great detail about the plot. Its basically deals with a guy for a girl that makes him really happy but in the end he finds out something about her that screws it all up. It screws with his mind because it blows his perception of her and he cannot handle nor understand it. So in his obsessed state he pushes the subject too far and ends up screwing the one thing that made him truly happy. He threw away true love for something that she did in her past. Don't think I ruined it because you have to watch it to know what I am talking about.
Hackers: This movie is good because it took you into the world of computer hackers. Weird part is they seem geeky and cool at the same time. They are way too much into computers which makes them geeks but the fact is they can break into peoples computers. Its kinda of low budget but for the most part you cant even tell.
12 Angry Men (either one): The only reason I think this is great is because according to both movies it says that one person can make a difference. Out of the two my personal favorite is the one with Jack Lemmon but that is because of the ending. The original was made in 1958 I think and that had Henry Fonda in it. He was a good actor but this is the only movie I have ever personally seen him in.